Frequently Asked Questions about
Rose Hills 
Memorial Park

Frequently Asked Questions about Rose Hills Memorial Park

Listed below frequently asked questions that can assist you in making the many decisions that need to be made. We hope you’ll find these useful. 

How Do I Choose The Right Type Of Services?
Because it is an important question, many things must be considered. How many burials do you expect to take place? Are you arranging for yourself or your family? How much do you want to spend? A What type of memorial do you prefer? Answers to these types of questions will assist you to make the right selection.

What Options Are Available Besides Ground Burial?
Besides ground burial, we offer other interment options, including lawn crypts as well as private and community mausoleums.

What About Cremation?
A cremation is always an option. Contrary to some beliefs, cremation allows for as many, or more, memorialization options than the traditional burial and service. Cremation, simply put, is reducing the body to ashes. Once the cremation is complete, the “remains” can be placed in an urn and buried, placed in a vault, or you can customize your cremation in almost any way you choose. At Rose Hills, cremated remains are most commonly placed in an indoor or outdoor above ground niche. 

Why Should I Consider Pre-Planning My Burial Arrangements?
As with any important event in life, services and burials require planning. You should plan your own service and how you choose to be memorialized, in advance, to spare those close to you from the stress of attempting to make wishes they think would please you. If you take the time to plan your service, those you care about will be allowed to grieve instead of worrying about arrangements. In addition, many pre-arranged services can be financed in ways that freeze today’s price and keep your investment safe.

Why is a liner or vault required for ground burial?
Like most modern cemeteries, Rose Hills requires a concrete liner or vault for each interment to help prevent the grave from receding.

Why Should I Consider Pre-Planning My Burial Arrangements?
As with any important event in life, services and burials require planning. You should plan your own service and how you choose to be memorialized, in advance, to spare those close to you from the stress of attempting to make wishes they think would please you. If you take the time to plan your service, those you care about will be allowed to grieve instead of worrying about arrangements. In addition, many pre-arranged services can be financed in ways that freeze today’s price and keep your investment safe.

What If I Want To Change Something?
If you decide to make changes to your pre-arranged service, simply contact us and we will assist you selecting alternate areas of the services or other products and services.

What If I Have A Question That Isn’t Addressed Here?
Call our office or submit your question using the form on our contact page and we will be happy to answer it.