Personal Planning Organizer

When you organize and plan in advance your family will be spared difficult decisions during an already emotional and difficult time.
Living Will Kit
We also have a free Living Will Kit, an important advance directive tool that allows you to name who you wish to speak for you in case of a medical emergency. Find out more here.
When a death occurs, most people don’t know what to do or who to turn to. For those left behind, planning final arrangements and locating documents at the time of loss is extremely difficult. When you organize your important papers in advance, as well as plan your services and services services, your family will be spared difficult decisions during an already emotional and difficult time.
We can help you plan in advance by providing you with a copy of our Personal Planning Organizer, an easy-to-use guide which will help you record the location of important documents your loved ones will need to have, including your:
- Will
- Living Will
- Life insurance polices
- Bank accounts and investments
- Veteran’s benefits
- Social security benefits
- Historical information for your obituary
- Services preferences
- Services/Mausoleum arrangement
New York residents are eligible for a free copy of our Personal Planning Organizer. To receive your free copy, call us at 845 528-3516 or submit a contact form here.