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Charles Anthony Miller III

Mar 12, 2025 - Mar 12, 2025


  1. REPLY
    Thaimi McCandless says

    My Dear Charlie,

    You were like a brother to me (in EVERY sense of the word)…
    I still find it hard to believe that you have left this world 🙁 While I have absolutely NO DOUBT that you are rejoicing in Heaven, even as I write this, if there’s a way that an angel can carry my words up to you…
    I would want you to know this: 
    I truly DO miss you and the laughs that we shared throughout the years!! 
    I was blessed to know you…
    It’s NOT the same without you, brother.  I STILL find myself wanting to text you, as I often would do, just out of the blue, to check on you and to let you know that I was thinking of you…

    Well (sigh)… although, I did not get the chance to say goodbye to you… I know that it is never really “Goodbye”, for I know it is just a matter of time (God’s time, of course) before I will crossover (one way or the other) and see you again 🙂 
    And… the truth of THAT sweet thought brings my heart MUCH joy!

    Love you to PIECES and Sooooooo looking forward to that day when we meet again… We ALL do!

    Love ALWAYS
    Your little sister,

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Schedule Service:
Saturday, June 8, 2019 @ 11:00 am

Heritage H, Level 7, Crypt 33